Friday, December 23, 2011

Love is what makes a family

About a month ago, Zach Wahls spoke out about his family during a public forum in the Iowa House of Representatives on a measure that would end civil unions in the state.   Watch this amazing video here. It's something that hit home strong, as he was so very clear about his stance.  So very poignant and passionate.  I actually emailed this video to my dad and my step mom.  They once told me to stop sending any videos that were politically fueled, which I find funny since my dad loves to talk politics.  But LGBTQ issues hit too close to home I guess.  I have no clue if they watched it, but it was a must send!

Today, I watched this montage, which made me teary in all good ways.  Our youngest daughter watched the video with us.  I think she is seeing more and more that any kind of family is indeed family and she is understanding that having two moms is absolutely natural.  The other day she and I were cooking dinner on the barbeque and she starts talking about our upcoming wedding in June, shouting out, "And I will officially have two moms! Yaayyyy!" Our marriage is important to her, which makes it all the more important to us. :)

I love seeing families that are built on LOVE! Not traditional constructs, but love.  Be them gay, straight, mixed, whatever they may be, they are beautiful. One of my closest friends, states her religion as Love.  I absolutely love that!  The peaceful, joyous celebration of sharing intimate space and time.  It's beautiful. However "tree-huggy" that sounds, it really is a sense of calm in my eyes.

I am wishing for all of you to have a blessed holiday season, and I, along with many others are hoping for equality for all families in 2012.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

4 days of anxious waiting

December 8th is approaching in 4 days.  We are having a day in court on that day, which ironically is exactly 6 months before my lovely other and I are getting married.

There is an amazing site called Prop 8 Trial Tracker that I follow which gives me all the scoop on what's going on with Prop 8. They have this amazing "Where Things Stand" which you can find here. On December 8th, we will be hearing about the potential releasing of the Prop 8 tapes as well as the notion of standing and the arguments related to vacating Judge Walker's ruling.

I am so anxious about this.  I want so badly for it all to be done with.  Our youngest daughter even mentioned it to me the other day, not understanding why Prop 8 was even still alive.  I want to be able to marry my bride without restriction; without discrimination and without feeling like we are second-class citizens.

If you have any questions about how we could possibly feel like second class citizens, look up how much higher I am taxed on health benefits because I have a domestic partner, not a spouse.  This is an additional percentage I pay because I am not legally married. Look at how I have to have my health benefits taken our POST-tax due to federal stipulations, thus paying higher taxes.  Look at the fact the health insurance coverage my employer pays for my partner is considered income in the state of California and I have to pay taxes on it...even though they already taxed me once.  Look at the fact that if I lose my job, my partner is not eligible for COBRA because it is a federal benefit.

On top of that, add to the fact that I pretty much "come-out" on the daily.  "Your husband?" "No, my partner." I don't mind.  I am very proud. I wouldn't change me, as it took a very long time to get to be me.  It's more people's reactions.  Luckily, I haven't had any bad reactions, just ones where you know they are trying to think of how to respond.  I just keep on, keepin' on :-)  Because she is worth it..we are worth it :-)

Here's to 4 more days of waiting...

Sunday, November 27, 2011


This is one of the most powerful speeches.  Today, we remember Harvey Milk and what he did for the LGBT community.  In fact, my lovely other and I are going to watch "Milk" right now as a tribute.

Thank you Harvey.  Thank you for giving all of us hope.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Every year, I celebrate my birthday during the entire month of November.  I am not sure why that is.  I often times share Thanksgiving weekend with my birthday.  It has just been tradition to celebrate it that weekend.

November has become such a big month in my life: my lovely other's birthday is 11 days before mine, her mom's birthday precedes hers on the 11th. And a slew of others who celebrate their birthdays.  November, is simply, an awesome month.

This year, my little family decided to volunteer at the community center providing meals for people in need.  It was truly an awesome experience.  In trying to impart a sense of giving to our two girls, we are exposing them to situations where they are forced to think outside of themselves. Well, at least that is what we hope.

 One person CAN make a difference.  If only more of us felt that way I think we would have a bigger sense of cooperation and collaboration.

I am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in this world.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thoughts of sorts

This is the first time I have written a blog.  Sometimes it is scary to put out your thoughts out for the world to see, but at the same time, I want to share my perspective with whomever wants to read it. In some ways, I think it will clarify some of my ramblings.  On the other hand, it may just be confusing.  Well, whatever the case may be, I hope it inspires people into a deeper thinking process about the things that happen around them.