It has been almost two weeks since the Day of Decision for Prop. 8. I have failed to blog due to all my other life musings (I'm getting married after all!) But I wanted to just throw out some thoughts.
On February 7th, the 9th District Court of Appeals 3-judge panel denied the appeal of Prop. 8 supporters who tried to halt Judge Vaughn Walker's initial ruling that the proposition was unconstitutional. Prop. 8 was struck down! Here is a quote, beautifully stated by Judge Stephen Reinhardt:
8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status
and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to
officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to
those of opposite-sex couples. The Constitution simply does not allow for 'laws of this sort'."
I get chills every time I read it.
But alas, there is always more. Supporters of Prop. 8 have 14 days to appeal the District Court's ruling to have an en banc review (which would include the full panel of the 9th Circuit). That 14 days expires tomorrow. If they do not request an en banc review with a larger panel of the appeals court, the 3-judge panel’s
ruling will be the last word at this level of appeal. Wow. That means the initial stay will expire on February 28th. But, they can also file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. They have 90 days to do so. And they could request an extension of the stay... It's still too soon to celebrate, but my fingers and toes are crossed.
Right now, it is all about holding your breath. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
On pins and needles!!