Monday, March 26, 2012

Equality in the Courtroom

I was summoned for jury duty today.  I pretty much am summoned every year.  Only 2 times have I ever made it as far as the courtroom where jury selection begins.  Today was one of those days. 

Now, as some of you may know, once you get as far as the juror box, they have you answer simple questions to get a better idea about you and how you might fit as a juror in the case.  The questions are about name, marital status, how many kids you have, where you work, where your spouse (if any) works, if you have family or close friends in law enforcement, etc.  Now, I haven't ever been called into the jury box, but last time I got this far into the jury selection process, I was married to my ex-husband.

Today, I was thinking about the case and the vague facts we were given.  I don't doubt that I would have sat on the trial had I been called to the jury box.  But I got to thinking, since we were waiting so long, how would I answer the questions had they called my name up?

"My name is Lisa.  I am, well, I am in a domestic partnership since that is as legal as it can get.  So not single, not legally married..."

In my mind, I am married.  My lovely other and I had a beautiful handfasting ceremony last year tying our spiritual bonds.  This June, we are having a wedding in front of those who have supported our relationship throughout the years. I don't know if it will be truly legal, but in our minds it will be.  But back to my point...

So here are all these jurors, stating they are divorced, married, single...and then what would I say?  I decided if I had to answer the questions, I would say "I have a domestic partner".  And that would "out" me to the 28 people in the courtroom. It made me feel different, of course.  Not quite married, definitely not single.  But definitely different from everyone else. 

If there was marriage equality, then I wouldn't have to out myself to anyone I didn't want to, like those people in the courtroom.  Just one more way that shows domestic partnership and civil unions are not the same as marriage.

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