Sunday, November 25, 2012

Birthday analysis

On Wednesday, November 28th, somewhere in the afternoon during the 3:00 hour, I will turn 39 years old.  I was born on a Wednesday, and I am entering into my last year of my 30's on the same day of the week.  That means my 40th birthday will be next year, and also fall exactly on Thanksgiving. On Wednesday, I will begin my 40th year of life.

When I began my 30th year of life, I was not in the best of places.  I had increasing anxiety and a fear of being around people. I would fall asleep when I was out with friends. I had very poor self-esteem and my health (apparently) was not in the best of places. About mid-way through that year of life, my body told me to slow down.  I had my only seizure thus far which made me go to the hospital for testing.  I was not healthy.  I needed to change my life or I might not see 40 without some really insane health issues.  I changed my life: began working out 5 days a week, eating lower carbs and meditating and doing yoga to calm my mind and find my center.  On my 30th birthday, I was full of energy and had a vigor for life. Of course, a few years following this is when the real self-analysis happened and I started to be honest about who I was and how I wanted to live, as fearful as it was at the time. My life changed and it was so much better in so many ways.

Somehow, I felt that I could never slip back into unhealthiness again.  I have absolutely maintained my sanity: my life is the best it has ever been.  I truly mean that when I say it.  I cry sometimes, just to myself, because I honestly never thought my life could be this full with my little family.  I honestly see my future, with my wife and girls, and it is clear and beautiful and bright.  My only concern is my health.

As this 40th year begins, I find myself sleepy (A LOT), cranky, and overweight.  I use to blame it on my boobs, saying that they were choking me when I lay down.  But honestly, it's my tummy.  Now, in case you are not aware, I like to eat.  I like curves and I am not all about the skinny figure.  My concern is that my body is not responding the way it should be.  My knees feel arthritic and no longer have the energy that I had just 10 years ago.  I have tried to start doing things but I lack commitment and always have an excuse.   But now, it is time. And I am making my commitment here.

I have no goal weight.  But I do have an exercise goal.  I am committing, to myself, my family and to anyone who reads this, to exercise 4 days of the week.  I also am committing to meditate regularly.  I cannot state a numeric goal, however, I would like to meditate when I need to.  I think it will help me stay focused.  I am also committing to eating healthier.  I need to keep portion control at the top of my list.  I am going to refrain from sugar and eat smaller portions.  I am going to do the best that I can.  It is hard to say I will eliminate processed foods and high carb foods but I will commit to thinking my meals through and doing the best I can do with what I have.

I will begin this change in my life habits on the first day of my 40th year (so that means on Thursday). I feel this is the best way to begin.  I don't want to be "bathing suit ready by summer"; I could give a shit about that. I want to be the ball of awesomeness, at my core, and ring 40 in with a lot of high fives.  I am ready.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds awesome Lisa. I missed your Birthday and really feel like a dick for it. I did think very late about calling on the phone just to chat but I knew you'd be out having a day with all the peeps. I haven't read this blog before, its cool that you are keeping it. I remember that seizure still like it was yesterday. That one was really scarry, and just blew me away- it occurs to me only now that I never really asked you much about it, we just kinda dealt with it- and I remember us carpooling while you couldn't drive. I grew up with you and Mike and Justin and Dan S. I am so happy for you in your life now - we should just take a moment to shoot the shit soon.
